Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In the UNIDO approach, the optimal shadow wage is given by,
W* = PA + s* (PINV - 1)W       ...         ...         ...         (9)       
Where  s* is the capitalists' propensity to save; W is the wage and  PINV measures the price of investment in terms of consumption. Assuming that the propensity to save of capitalists is unity (s* =1) and all wages are consumed, equation (8) may be written as:
 W* = PA +  (PINV - 1) C          ...         ...         ...         (10)     
Where (PINV - 1) C represents the present value of aggregate consumption lost              assuming (PINV >1) because of  increased consumption of workers which reduces saving for future consumption.
Now from above for the two approaches to give equivalent cash flows, whichever numeraire is taken, PINV must be equal S0 , so that the equation (9) may be written as:
W* = PA + (S0 - 1)C                ...         ...         ...         (11)
Now Little - Mirrlees formulation of the shadow wage from equation (6) is:
W* = PA +  (1 - 1/S0)(C-m)     ...            ...      ...         (12)     
Which, on the assumption that  PA = m , may be written as:
W* = PA / S0 + (1 - 1/S0)C      ...         ...         ...         (13)     
Comparing equation (12) with the UNIDO equation (11) , it can be seen that the UNIDO formula is  S0 times the Little-Mirrlees formula because the UNIDO numeraire is 1 / S0 times as valuable as the Little-Mirrlees numeraire.
The calculation of the shadow wage will be different according to the two approaches assuming (PINV = S0 ) only to the extent that they classify goods into traded and non-traded in a different way and that the standard conversion factor (SCF) to convert    non - traded goods into world prices is not the reciprocal of the shadow exchange rate (SER) to convert traded goods prices into domestic prices.

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